When you want to write quality articles and blogs you often need a really good title to engage with your reader, because the headline is the first thing they are going to see and is often one of the biggest catches that will make them want to read more.
Below, we take a look at some of our ideas when it comes to finding new subjects and titles for your latest articles or blogs.
Research - One of the best ways to get some titles for your blog and article needs is to check out what others have done previously and then take some ideas from this.
Although you should never copy someone's work, you can gain some inspiration from what they have written and put a different slant on it. For example, if someone has written ten reasons why you should use... you could always write about ten reasons why you shouldn't use.... so you can get some ideas from other peoples work.
Current Topics - Many of us pick our ideas and get our inspiration from things that are currently happening in our industry or related to our industry. For example, when the latest hacking scandal hits the news, why not write a blog or article about computer / server security or how to avoid your website from being hacked and the preventative measures you can take. Check out industry related blogs, general news sites and RSS feeds to really make sure you have your finger on the pulse and are ready to write away.
Knowledge - Most people tend to concentrate on one industry, area or niche when it comes to writing articles and blogs, rather than trying to cover a million and one subjects, so you should be able to draw on your own industry related experience. In your line of work, you will be doing things every single day that you can turn into articles, including practical ideas and tips that end up making great reading for your followers.
Suggestions - Many people overlook the fact that they are often surrounded by friends, family and colleagues who will all have ideas that you might not have thought about, so ask them! You can also ask your social media followers and clients what they want to see you write, which means you can open up your field of suggestions and really start to get some cracking ideas fed back to you.
8 Tips To Write Winning Articles 2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers Increase Your Profits With Article Writing
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