Thursday, November 29, 2012

Felt Like Jesus Lately?

"Consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart." Hebrews 12:3 (NRSV)

This article is not about those who have Messiah Complexes. It's actually about persecution - all sorts - from bullying, the cold shoulder, ridicule, dishonour, derision, to physical beatings, etc.

Have you ever suffered like Jesus, Or can you in any way relate? Have you ever been condemned, Given cause to be irate?

Have you ever been despised like the Lord? Knowing the knowledge of such hurt, Or having been ignored, Had your face rubbed in the dirt.

Have you ever suffered ridicule? Not taken seriously no matter what, That presence of feeling minuscule, Having felt small as a dot.

Have you ever been dishonoured, Like our Saviour on the cross? Having given your all, despondent, Only to be considered dross.

If you've suffered like Jesus, Your suffering's not in vain, If you've managed to suffer well, You've done so in order to gain.

For suffering well like Jesus, Is like holding eternity in our hand, No matter what we suffer, With Jesus one day we'll stand.


Everyone has suffering, if they are honest; even if it is simply an occasional bout of disconsolate existential anxiety - that life itself is often a confusing reality.

But there is also a suffering we all identify with.

We have an opportunity in our suffering to delve deeply in prayer with the suffering of our Saviour. Here we can make a connection. Here our suffering has purpose and meaning. Here we can look to God, knowing that by suffering well we are doing Divine bidding.


"In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood." ~Hebrews 12:4 (NRSV)

Yes we have suffered, but in comparison with Jesus we suffer little. Acknowledging this fact is not about undermining our suffering, but instead it encourages us that we can endure in the manner of Jesus.

The more we consider how much our suffering aligns with what Jesus suffered, the more we are acquainted with Jesus. The person of Jesus, especially as the Suffering Servant of Isaiah, is the living, breathing, feeling person of the Son of God; a God always able to identify with us in our suffering.


Whenever we feel lonely, condemned, ridiculed, silenced, ignored, or in any sort of pain, we have a good friend in Jesus - who suffered these and more. It's no small consolation to be considered with God, now and in all eternity.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

How Can We Walk on Water?   Abraham's Thoughts While Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac   Hail the Designers   Finding and Building Upon Our Sense-Of-Self   

Sin Consciousness Can Hinder Our Walk With The Lord

I remember when I first got saved many years ago. I was so excited about my newly found faith that I wanted to do everything right but that did not happen and when I messed up, I would stop walking with the Lord but one day He called me by my name and said to me; Lizzie do not stop walking. Incidentally, when the Lord speaks your name, it is the sweetest sound you will ever hear. No one can say it the way He can because His words are totally filled with love.

I was a new Christian and I was not aware of sin consciousness but since then I have learned that it can hinder our walk with the Lord because our focus will be on what we have done instead of what He has done for us.

Jesus has paid the price for all of our sins, just a few days ago I was driving up town and I had a thought that I have never had before; it was Jesus died for everyday of my life. He died so I could awaken in the morning. He died so I could be delivered from everything that would come against me for the rest of my life and that includes sin. Therefore, we should not be sin conscious because He died for it.

Peter was very conscious of his sins because in John 5:4-8 it read when He (Jesus) had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch but Simon answered and said to Him, Master we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at your word I will let down the net and when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking. So the signal to their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both the boats so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus knees, saying, depart from me for I am a sinful man, O Lord. Peter did not realize that he was before the one that had just made his living; with that catch he could pay all of his bills, feed his family and probably have money left over for other things but instead he was conscious of his sins and he said that he was sinful. Of course he was astonished at the catch of fish but he was more conscious of his sins.

Peter being aware of his sins did not want anything to do with Jesus at that point but we cannot frown at him because we are the same way when we are conscious of our sins. We would draw away from Jesus but He would encourage us to draw near to Him because He has taken away all of our sins and none of it is recorded in heaven against us.

We miss the blessing of God when we are conscious of our sins but it is not about what we have done; it is all about what Jesus have done for us. He became sin for us so we could be righteous.

God has justified us by the blood of Jesus but Satan will attempt to bring a charge against us by reminding us of what we did. His purpose for doing that is to get us to draw back from the Lord but Romans 8: 33-34 read who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercessions for us.

As long as we are conscious of our sins, we will never be completely at peace; it would nag at us to make us feel like God is not for us and if He is not for us then He will not help us but this is true. He loves us unconditionally and He remembers our sins no more because the blood of Jesus has cleansed us of all unrighteousness.

If you have come up like I have; you have been taught sin consciousness but the day came when I realized that I am the righteousness of God by Christ Jesus and He has not imputed sin unto me. When I realized that it was like a weight had been lifted off of me and it was lifted because my consciousness of sin had been removed.

Man consist of three parts the spirit, soul and the body. When we became born again only the spirit was born again. The soul and body was not changed so sin still resides in it and that is why we are suppose to renew our mind by conforming it to the word of God however, the spirit of man became a new creation when we were born again and it cannot sin. Our spirit is new and the spirit of God dwells in our spirit. He cannot dwell in an unclean temple so our spirit must be perfect.

We are spiritual beings housed in a fleshly body but God does not look at our flesh, He sees the spirit, which is perfect in His sight but if we are sin conscious as a result of our actions or thoughts then we would draw away from Him which means; we are being lead by the flesh and not by the spirit.

The conclusion is this, receive the word of God for what It said then you will be able to live your life free from sin consciousness.

How Can We Walk on Water?   Abraham's Thoughts While Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac   Hail the Designers   Finding and Building Upon Our Sense-Of-Self   Love Is an Act of the Will, Not a Burst of Emotions   Corrie ten Boom - The Roots of the Jerusalem Prayer Team   

A Born Winner

You're heard the phrase "born loser" before. It's possible you could know someone whom that moniker just seems, for some reason, to fit - they always come up short, or things just never seem to work out quite right for them. You might even feel like you're that particular person. If so, let me tell you something today that should make you feel a whole lot better: We were all born 'losers.'

Wait... that didn't come out quite like it should have. That's not actually the good news. What I meant is that because we're all descendants of the first man, Adam, at birth we all inherited his spiritual condition - which is a dead spirit, a spirit disconnected from the life of God. In other words, we were born already mired in sin; and because we possessed that inherently sinful nature, we were destined to ultimately 'lose.' Lose what? Everything. Regardless of any amount of 'good deeds' or outward 'success' we managed to accomplish in this life, we had no reward waiting for us on the other side except eternal damnation and separation from the Source of all life and good (Luke 18:19; John 1:4; James 1:17). Nothing we could ever acquire on our own would even begin to pay the redemption price necessary to save our souls (Matthew 16:26). So, because of the curse of the Law that had dominion over each and every one of us when we arrived on this earth, in a very real way we were all born and destined to lose (Galatians 3:10).

Okay, now, here's the good news: Somebody finally showed up Who was actually "born to win," and a whole new era began (Luke 4:19; 1 John 5:4). This Person came fully equipped with a winning attitude and the 'right stuff' (John 10:30, 15:10, 17:21; Galatians 5:22-23), and He became the literally Perfect Example to everyone that a man could indeed live victoriously over sin and all the circumstances the world is able to produce (John 13:15; Colossians 2:8).

This Winner was intensely strong and healthy in spirit, soul and body. He was prosperous in every area of life - yes, finances included. (Just think about it: Who in his right mind would bother to appoint a treasurer if there was only $2.41 between the thirteen of you? [John 13:29]) And, everywhere the soles of His feet got to, He smacked the devil around and ripped up a little more of his kingdom (Acts 10:38). Even in death, when it looked by all natural appearances as though He'd finally been dealt a stunning, crushing defeat... well, it turned out that was all just part of the Master('s) Plan (1 Corinthians 2:6-8). He used it as a means to buy entry down into the 'Dragon's Lair,' where He proceeded to open up a really big can on said dragon and secure an overwhelming and eternal victory (Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 12:9-10). In short, folks, it was a complete and utter rout, just plain embarrassing - a vicious beating about the head and shoulders, a merciless paddling, an old-fashioned "took 'em out to the woodshed" whippin' (Colossians 2:15)... I could go on, put I think you get the picture.

And, that isn't even the best part (I always like to save the best for last). The Winner didn't go through all that trouble of example-setting and butt-stomping just because He didn't have anything better to do for thirty-three-and-a-half years. He didn't need to get any victories for Himself; He was in the position of victory before the curtain ever rose in the first place. That "Born Winner," Who came here and procured such a decisive victory by kicking the devil out of all authority, didn't do it for Himself. He did it - are you ready? - He did it for you and for me! That Born Winner - Whose Name is Jesus - redeemed us, justified us, cleansed us and raised us up to His level in the eyes of the Father, and all we need to do is have the audacity to believe Him and step into it (Romans 8:29, 30; Galatians 3:13; Ephesians 2:6; 1 John 1:9). And when we do - and this is really too much - we actually become "born winners" too, right alongside of Him (John 3:3; 1 Corinthians 15:57). Just think: we're no longer destined to lose; we're "inherent successes" continually looking for someplace new to happen! (2 Corinthians 2:14)

How Can We Walk on Water?   Abraham's Thoughts While Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac   Hail the Designers   Finding and Building Upon Our Sense-Of-Self   

Dorothy We're Not in Kansas, Christians We're Not in the OT

"We are not in the Old Testament anymore." If I was asked about the one thing that is most commonly unknown to the Christian community, especially descendants of the 19th century Holiness movement, like Russian Pentecostals, it would be this statement. Literally every single day I talk to people who are full of good intentions, but are still living according to patterns set by the Old Testament. Now of course, these people are pacifists and will gladly tell you that in the Old Testament their Bible heroes rode around slaying evildoers, but today that is the most horrible of all sins.  Or that in the OT you couldn't eat pork, and today we can have all the Salo (salted bacon) we want. And (hopefully) everyone realized that we don't have to kill lambs anymore (like in the OT) because Jesus the lamb died for us (in the NT). Yet, in one aspect there is tremendous confusion and the OT mindset profusely permeates the church masses.


There are marked categories of division between the sacred (holy) and the common (not holy).

Now God is a God of division, and has divided Good and Evil, and will divide goats and sheep. So thus the above statement does not mean sin vs holiness, for that division is indeed found in Scripture, and the New Testament often reminds us to be holy and avoid sin. Instead, this is a division that occurs among Christians, where some Christian things are seen as holy, and others are seen as unholy, un-spiritual, or common.

To help you understand here is the average day of an OT Christian in a modern world: Wake up and make breakfast, then "bless" breakfast or sanctify it for it is unholy. Go to your day job, which God doesn't really care about because it's not sacred; the Pastors and Deacons are holy vocations that God and the church care about, welders and farmers are not. Later buy a new vacuum cleaner, realize the logo says "Dirt Devil" return the satanic appliance before it curses your household for seven generations. Stop by a Chinese restaurant, leave because the Buddha statue is an idol that defiles the food and makes it profane to your personal holiness. Go to a special sacred building to worship God, but before you do, don't forget to dress in a special sacred outfit before setting foot upon "holy ground." When guilty of sin, perform a special sacrifice of prayer to atone for the sin, this is more effective at the holy temple building, especially if one runs to the holy altar up front, because everyone knows the closer to the front of church, the closer to the throne of God, it has been suggested that God's throne is a bit to the right of the deacons thrones.


The problem with OT Christians is that they apply judgment to all things (people, objects, and actions) to decide whether it is holy or common, and treat "holy" things with respect and "common" things with disdain (keep in mind, there is not mention of sin here at all, just holy vs common).

People: For example, the choir is composed of people that are considered to belong to a sacred calling, often known as the Levites (though most don't realize they have to be Jews to be Levites). At the same time others who don't get their moment on stage, are common people. In fact, anyone who spends time on stage, whether preaching, singing, or simply saying a poem is seen as part of the Holy minority, they lead the church, they are closer to God, they are esteemed in the community, often called things like "man of God" (which, by the way, is an OT title seen 78 times under the Law, yet it's hardly used in the NT, hmm). Mothers are filled with ecstatic joy when their daughters marry such a sacred "man of God" and not a lowly plumber. Fathers are proud and hold their heads high when their sons stand in the pulpit. Neighbors are jealous and wish it was their kid instead. Some even offer their sons incentives, a childhood friend told me his parents said they would buy him a car if he preached just once. I guess sacred people need sacred attention. The most unfortunate things is that many sacred people genuinely look down at "non-sacred" people (and even use OT examples to justify themselves). When I was dating my wife, a few people reminded me that my wife doesn't come from a "priestly family" and my father is a pastor, therefore I needed to marry a person with a more holy lineage like the priests did in the OT. Yes, I understand that was the way in the Old testament, when Grace was still hidden and the Law was the rule of the land. No, if you currently think that someone's family can cause them to be more or less holy and distinguished, you have no knowledge of the Gospel and are still living under the Law. Paul's dad was a Pharisee (Acts 23:6), one of the guys that killed Jesus; yet Paul wrote the Bible for Jesus.

Objects: For example, the communion cup, which looks like it came out of a Lord of the Rings movie, gets it own office and chauffeur, while the common cups for the after-church potluck are stored in a dusty cupboard. And OT Christians truly think one is actually Holy and the other is not. The impression is that for a few minutes God's blood actually touches the cup, but seriously people, does anyone forget God lives inside us? People who wear a pair of shorts may be accosted and kicked out of the "church" for defiling the holy place. What? Why is a church building holy anyway? What makes a few wooden beams and sheets of drywall so holy that we need to treat it with awe? Now I am all for being a good steward with church property. It is set apart for the service of God and we ought not be negligent with the building, the cups, or the audio equipment. I am not proposing we wildly break everything and go on a rampage, but seriously, to kick someone out because they are dressed "unholy?" As if in our ignorance we think that God is going to get offended because some sinner is dressed wrong. I don't mean to point out the obvious, but God doesn't live inside churches. He can seriously see what's going on out there, in fact, God kind of, sort of, actually is everywhere at once, even in clubs and bars. He can see what people are wearing and doing all the time, with all due respect God doesn't get offended and leave, he sends missionaries there and saves people (if you think the church building is super holy, you might know some of these people as those you close the doors to). God is present in the dirtiest places, and He specifically intends to go there. How do I know? Because at one time everyone was an unsaved sinner, now tons of people are saved, obviously God had to go down to some dirty places where sinners (who were dressed completely wrong) live. Speaking of that, He probably went to them because you wouldn't let them in to "His house."

Actions: For example, attending church as often as possible is a most holy task that designates one as an exceptionally holy person, yet the simple act of showing Gospel love towards a sinner who doesn't meet the profile of the "type of person God wants to save" is seen with disdain. When I was invited to preach at a conference with thousands, everyone around me made sure I knew how important it was, and that I was doing "God's" work. Yet, when I decided to sit down and connect with a few friends by playing a board game during a conversation, a Russian grandmother came by and with a straight face told me God is not happy about what I am doing. She seemed quite convinced there are certain holy actions that can glorify God (these only included praying, singing, and going to church) and all other things are common and can in no way bring God glory, honor, or fame. Strange, even Jesus Himself, did more things than those three, and weren't all of his actions Holy? I mean, c'mon, how can the most Holy God in the flesh do something that is not Holy? So when Jesus spent two decades being a carpenter and working a regular job, wasn't that sanctified and immensely holy? Or was Jesus being unholy? Careful, if you go by your silly rules and say no, you accuse God Himself of being unholy. I think the One who invented Holiness has a better idea what it means than you, no?


Every Christian is Holy. Every non-sinful action every Christian does is holy. Every object any Christian uses (for anything that is not sin) is Holy. The Bible tells us in the NT that there has been a radical change in the way God relates to people. Previously there was a sacred place where man and God could communicate, for example, at the temple (John 4:20-21), and it would happen through intermediaries called priests. Yet when Jesus died the thick curtain dividing the internal (and holy) part of the temple was torn open, enabling all Christians to access that chamber, aptly named the Holy of Holies. In the OT only the high priest could access God,  in the NT every Christian has been given the gift of the Holy Spirit; God Himself abiding in our hearts.

In the NT we are told that all of us are now part of a royal kingdom of priests. And this does not happen because we reach some superior level of holiness, it's not conditional, its not based on our performance, there is no test to pass before we can become a priest, instead, we are chosen to be priests and it is God who makes us to be priests (1 Pet 2:29, Rev 5:10).

The super anointed ministers who think it's their devotion and dedication that made them "priests" are really in for a letdown, no one could ever be a priest unless God appointed them, and he appointed everyone. There is now no ground to think you are more important, none whatsoever.

Indeed every single believer is now closer to God, and more Holy than John the Baptist (Mat 11:11). Imagine that, somewhere out there is a sinner crying on his bed because he is too "spiritually weak" to even touch a church stage according to our rules, yet He is more holy and is greater than John the Baptist.

This point was one of the cornerstones of the Protestant Reformation. The Bible was recovered and it taught that not only the Priests were holy, and not only their occupation, instead all things that all believers did were holy and useful for the Lord. Martin Luther once said "A shoemaker, a smith, a farmer, each has his manual occupation and work; and yet, at the same time, all are eligible to act as priests... Every one of them in his occupation or handicraft ought to be useful to his fellows." (Woolf, Reformation Writings of Martin Luther, I.116). Yesterdays Protestants discovered that whatever vocation or calling God had given was worthy, primarily because they served God in that capacity.

All Christians, whether they are well known and on stage, or humbly serving out of sight in the back are equally chosen for Gods Holy and Royal priesthood. All people, regardless of what tasks they do, regardless of their vocation, are of equal dignity and value as children in Gods kingdom.

There are more ways to serve the kingdom than being the centerpiece of attention, Paul taught this when he said the church is like a body and different parts are all necessary.

Now let me make the case to the most stubborn person, who genuinely things he or she is more important: Even if you believe that a profession in the church is the most holy and prestigious (which only attests to your blindness,) Imagine how we would read the Bible if there were no grammar teachers? (As a side note I think this why there is such poor doctrine, because people simply don't know grammar, but I digress). How would you drive to church without an auto machinist and mechanic? How could you read the Bible if someone did not manufacture ink? How could you live to preach without the farmers who grow you food? How could you preach while being dead if the police didn't arrest your murderer-to-be?

All vocations and professions are necessary AND specifically ordained by God. All vocations and all actions that are neither holy (according to people) nor sinful (according to the Bible) are indeed warranted by God, they do have a time and a place (Ecc 3:1), and they do glorify God (1 Cor 10:31). Unfortunately we have lost this today in our selfish desire to be valuable, better, or holier, than our neighbor. The truth is dignity and integrity doesn't come from trading places with somebody in a "holy" vocation or "sacred" position, instead it comes because Christ traded places with you and gave it to you.

Old Testament Christians are busy trying to earn their salvation by being super holy based on the Law. New Testament Christians know that apart from Christ we are nobody and can do nothing (Jn. 15:5) but by His grace we are somebody and can do everything (Phil. 4:13). OT Christians need to play the solo and ridicule all those that don't, NT humbly and gladly play our notes in Gods grand orchestra and are glad we play it for him. OT Christians try to glorify God with religious works, NT Christians glorify God with everything we have, and even when no one is looking. (1 Cor 10:31)

How Can We Walk on Water?   Abraham's Thoughts While Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac   Hail the Designers   Finding and Building Upon Our Sense-Of-Self   Love Is an Act of the Will, Not a Burst of Emotions   Unspectacularly Supernatural   

4 Effortless Ways to Write Ezine Content Your Audience Will Want to Read

Publishing an ezine is still one of the most powerful forms of self-promotion available to small business owners today. It's cost effective. It can be automated. It's fast, flexible and scalable. And, if used well, it allows you to become someone your market knows, likes and trusts. But as with any marketing or relationship-building materials, for your ezine to be successful, your audience has to actually read it. smiley

In my last blog post, I provided a list of 101 ideas for subject lines that get your marketing emails opened. Today, I'm sharing tips to help you with the next step in the process: developing great content. Follow these four rules and you'll have your target market begging for more.

1. Find out what your readers REALLY want to know. Something I've learned as a business and marketing consultant is that I seldom get the "real" answer the first time I ask, "What's your biggest marketing or income growth question?" Rather, only after digging deeper do I get to the heart of the challenges my clients or readers are having.

The same goes for learning about what your target audience really wants to know. Often the first thing someone will say is what happens to pop into their head - or what they think they should say. But when you ask thoughtful questions and follow where they lead, you'll end up discovering a host of new challenges and problems you can help your clients address - and they'll love you for it.

2. Stay in the know. Your target audience looks to you as an expert. So it's your job to stay on the cutting edge of what's happening in your field. That means...

* Reading all the latest books as soon as they come out. If you buy your books from online retailers like Amazon, this is easy because they'll send you updates when new titles come out on a topic you've bought before.

* Attending a mix of conferences, seminars and workshops. You can't be an expert in your field if the only content you're absorbing is the free materials that are available online. You need to do a deeper dive, and the best way to do that is at live training events.

* Watching for emerging trends and identifying fading fads. If you want to be a thought leader, you have to stay ahead of the curve. I recommend setting up Google alerts on your topic. Be creative in what search terms you use. For example, I have one Google alert that keeps me posted any time the word "marketing study" is used.

3. Make your content easy to read. Here's a big, dirty secret: People are lazy readers. Unless we're talking about reading for enjoyment, people don't actually like to read - they like to skim. And when it comes to "how to" information, what your audience wants is the knowledge, not the prose. So make your content easier on them by:

* Keeping sentences and paragraphs short. * Avoiding jargon, abbreviations and acronyms. * Defining any terms you use that a newbie might not know. * Using bullets and numbered lists. * Including images and photos whenever possible. * Editing your work for clarity.

4. Put a little "you" in the mix. If you read my blog or my ezine frequently, then you know that I lean more toward "how to" content versus pouring out my heart. That's just who I am. But I do try to work in personal examples whenever I can. And, when the mood strikes, you'll sometimes see more of my personality seep into the articles.I've learned over the years to let more of that through because, frankly, it makes the content more entertaining and enjoyable for the reader. After all, who wants to read something dry and boring? But that also doesn't mean that you have to get too personal either. Here are a few ways to put more "you" in your content without crossing the TMI line:

* Tell (short) personal stories or anecdotes that relate to what you're writing about * Explain why a particular topic is important to you * Share why you chose to write about a certain topic at this point in time (i.e., did a client just have this problem and you want to help others who may be facing the same thing) * Write more closely to how you would naturally speak when talking with someone * Use humor - just keep it clean * Use personal photos - when appropriate - that illustrate your point * Instead of writing content, record short videos of you giving tips and advice

So what's your best strategy for developing content that people want to read? Share it in the comments section below!

by Angelique Rewers, ABC, APR Richer. Smarter. Happier.

8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   

How to Promote Your Business Using Ezine Article Marketing Easily

Article marketing is an effective method of advertising and promoting business on the web, which involves writing and posting related articles to numerous syndication sites online. Ezine article marketing proves to be a cost-efficient means to endorse company and products on the globe.

The advantage of article marketers who is submitting to ezine publisher is their ability to check how many views each their article obtain. The information can be used to discern the status of a certain category. You can choose the ezine directory to match your article content. Those who are interested to market their products online and to start their business, especially for beginners have the edge over their competitors, if they use article marketing with ezine. This is a helpful technique if you wish to grow your company or make it visible worldwide. The following will help you understand how ezine article marketing works to uphold your product.

You must select the right product or service you wish to endorse. This is your real products where you want your audience to buy, and gain profits from it. Write the article in your own style with confidence, and show them you have the full knowledge concerning your merchandise. Put yourself on the readers' shoes, and make sure your words are understandable by the masses.

Offer your readers some useful and interesting information. Keep your writing as clearly and focused as possible, so as not to let your audience lose their curiosity to continue reading. They should be relevant to the service or product, offering them a sense of urgency to get hold of the item you are promoting.

Make your approach interesting and superlative. Use tips or tutorials. Examples like Tips, How to', Best, are effective words to attract your reader. Article marketing is great with 450 to 650 words. Too short may not be enough to explain your points, and too long might make your readers bored and close the article instead. Aside from that, very long article have the possibility to contain unrelated information.

Write your main points in 1-2 paragraphs, and make them short and easily understood. Since the writing is for the web, give your readers a short break to rest their eyes. You must give your readers quality and helpful content. Offer them inspiration and sort of challenge until they finally dig up into your websites.

Wrap up your article and do not forget to proofread. Make certain all information you necessitate to provide are there. If you cover all the essential details to promote your product, you can be sure that profits will come its way once your ezine article is in print. After the critical assessment on the overall content of the article, you can now submit to ezine publisher.

Do not forget to subscribe to the ezine website. Contact the editor about your concern to submit articles. Tell them you are willing to be contacted in any case or if there are any questions. Extend your gratitude for their time and effort.

It has been proven that ezine article marketing is one of the best manner and very valuable approach to endorse and market your business or organization online.

8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers   Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   

The Fastest Way To Turn Any Blog Post Into An Article

We should all know by now that submitting to article directories helps us build links and build them fast. I prefer EzineArticles primarily because they have stricter standards. I know that if my article is accepted there, then I have done a pretty good job of putting together a decent article. So why not turn any blog post of yours into an article?

Turning Blog Posts Into Articles

So how do you go about turning your blog posts into articles quickly and efficiently? I was just referred to the sweetest plugin for this purpose. After reading a post entitled 202 bite sized tips to increase blog traffic,I decided to check out this option.

The EzineArticle plugin allows you to make some minor changes to your blog post and then submit to EzineArticles right from your dashboard. Talk about making my life and yours simpler! Before I found this, I was manually submitting and reworking everything in my posts so that I had an acceptable article. Pain in the gluteus maximus!

Benefits of EzineArticles Plug-in

The benefits of the EzineArticle plug-in have been huge for me. Efficiency being the number one benefit. It's quick and easy. Aside from that, you can customize your author resource box on every post. This way you can target different keywords for every submission. Oh, and it's free. I like free!

They do have a featured version which allows you to take your submissions a step further and schedule their release. I know especially for people who may write up a week's worth of posts at one time, this is a HUGE benefit.

The changes I have had to make to my post are minimal. Basically, changing some links so they appear below the fold as EzineArticles does not allow above the fold links. They also have a four link max for their articles, so removing some of the linked to pages was a snap.  Well worth the ease of submission and time saved to alter a few minor details.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that we already have a ton of work to do to maintain quality and consistent posts. Couple that with tweaking our blogs and testing different strategies, our social submission process should be one of the easier tasks we take on. I am quite pleased with this plug-in and I firmly believe that you will see the benefits as well.

Okay, now share this with all your friends and see how much they thank you!  Do you use this plug-in and what do you think of the benefits?

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Ezine Articles and Ezine Marketing

How can you take advantage of Ezines for your marketing efforts? The owners or authors of Ezines often "rent" their list of subscribers for specific advertisements. This could be done in the form of a related article or some form of banner or other advertising. Sometimes you can even get an owner to email an advertisement to their email distribution list. The benefit of Ezine Articles /Marketing is that you can reach a targeted audience via a specific Ezine who has gained credibility with their audience, i.e., their subscribers.

First, it's important to answer the question, "Just what is an Ezine?" The term Ezine is simply two words combined. Electronic and Magazine. Voila, now you have Ezine! So, Ezines are online magazines to which people subscribe. The variety of defined topics is extremely broad and topics cover just about anything you can imagine. An Ezine is subsequently emailed to its subscriber list once a month, quarter or whatever the specified time period.

The ease of using Ezines for marketing is moderate, with an average set up time of approximately five hours. Once you've found the proper and most effective Ezine and the initial set up effort has been accomplished, you'll need to determine the most effective ad copy to consistently get you the leads you desire. At this point you can use Ezine Marketing as an ongoing strategy, one that you can set up and then run for months, often without additional time-consuming maintenance.

If you don't have any budget for advertising in Ezines, that's okay. One way to approach Ezine owners that won't have any cost is to reach out to a targeted Ezine owner and see if you can find out what topics will be covered in upcoming issues. If you can successfully find out this information, you can then write an article directly related to one of the topics and convey to the owner that you would like to contribute at not cost. (If they insist, you may offer to set this up as a joint venture ad where you split potential profits). Or beforehand, write a handful of articles related to the general topics covered by the Ezine. As long as your article has solid, free and valued content that will benefit the subscribers, you stand a good chance of having your article included. You should be able to include your contact info in your signature portion at the end of your article.

The first step is to find the most appropriate Ezine, one that has a subscriber base having an interest in what you are offering. Do a Google search for Free Ezine Directories. If you have an initial budget, a great source is the Directory of Ezines, owned by Charlie Page. I believe the cost for this is $197.

Conduct some initial Ezine searches. If your search topic is "Work From Home", be sure to try a search using "Ezine" at the end of your search phrase, and another with "Newsletter" at the end. Before jumping on board make sure it's a high quality Ezine. Just because there are a lot of subscribers doesn't mean that it's a quality source. Sign up for a few that look solid and check out some of the back issues. Ask how many times per week or month the Ezine is emailed? See how many emails you get. Is the content worthwhile? Ask the Ezine owner for references from advertisers.

Once you've completed your pre-advertising homework, you'll want to figure out what type of ad you want to place. The basic choices are solo ad, sponsor ad, classified ad or a joint venture ad. Negotiate the cost of your ad directly with the Ezine owner. Consider your budget and plan on testing your ad to smaller groups of say 10,000 to 20,000 subscribers before going big. Never spend your entire budget on one ad. Be absolutely sure to use a solid ad writing strategy. (Stay tuned as this will be covered in my next article). This is vital if you want to grab people's attention by rather blatantly letting them know you can help solve their problem, get them involved by providing some form of education, figure out how to let them know what you have is real and can work for them, and of course getting them to take ACTION! If you don't follow the basic marketing steps in a congruent fashion, the system tends to break down and your efforts are not as effective.

Confirm the placement of your ad with the owner and be sure you actually see it yourself in the proper issue. Make sure you double-check your tracking URL before submitting the ad so you can track your results. When your leads begin to come in, calculating the cost per lead will help you determine the effectiveness of the ad campaign.

When you find an Ezine that works for you, it may be a good idea to schedule ads in advance. This is a great way to map out your marketing plan several months in advance. For simplicity, you may want to use a separate email for your Ezine campaigns. It's also a good idea to formulate a spreadsheet to track your results for research and to have a database you can use as you move forward.

This is it for now regarding the basics of Ezine Articles and Ezine Marketing

Good luck and remember to develop and nurture your Millionaire Mindset and to always keep your "WHY" in mind and in sight!

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Drive Traffic To Your Website - Simple Article Writing Tips

Article marketing writing is a simple and easy way to drive traffic to your website. It is a superb way of kick starting your online business by driving prospective buyers to your site to view your services and products.

If you are going to utilize this method you will need to know how to get tons of articles written regularly without breaking too much of a sweat or suffering from writers block.

A good way is to sketch out your posts before you get cracking. That is to say, plan on writing say, 10 posts in one session by finding the titles of the posts, then a few words to suggest where the intro middle and end will go. Just do simple bullet points.

Plan on keeping your articles short and to the point. You are not writing the first book yet! If you are teaching something in your posts your reader will appreciate you getting to the point.

Then finally go through all of your sketches and fill in the gaps. Have all your reference material standing by so that filling in the information is a simple thing to follow up with. You may have your own notes on stand by that now simply need to be slotted in to the space provided in the sketches.

The other thing is to ensure that if you have set yourself to do five posts or ten posts, you do not move or get distracted until they are done. Resist checking your emails or answering calls and you will see that time will whizz by and you will have met your quota of posts.

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8 Steps To Easy Article Writing As An Online Entrepreneur

As an online entrepreneur, one of the main traffic strategies is writing articles. Take a look at these 8 steps and see how this process can become easier for you to make unique content for your niche you promote.

1. Choose topic... find the keywords in your niche that you want to target.

2. Develop a title... use your keywords in the title

3. Create an outline... make it broken down so you can expand on the topic.

4. Write an Intro... most article submission services like for you to have an overview or summary for your article.

5. Convert your outline to the article body... expand on your topics to make it easy to read.

6. Write the conclusion and resource box: Your resource box should include:

- Your Full Name

- Link to Your website

- Unique Selling Proposition

- Call to Action - Entice reader to visit with ebook, download, pdf document, grafts, reports, secrets, ezine subscription with benefit oriented.

7. Review your article... make sure it has your keyword in the body two to three times. Too many and it will be flagged for spam.

8. Submit your article... be sure to preview it and all your links are working properly.

A few tips for a successful article is to have only one call to action. Don't list every website you own. It looses your credibility as an online entrepreneur. A good resource box has 3 to 4 lines and the overall article should have about 25 lines. Most articles must be about 250 words. I tend to write short articles, so most of mine barely make this cut off... as some article sites require 450 words. So be sure you learn the guidelines before you submit an article, or it will not be approved.

As online entrepreneur's make massive sites of articles to generate massive amounts of traffic, some use software or services to make the process of submitting articles easier. There are several article submission services available, you just have to watch how unique you create your article so that they are submitted. Also it helps that they actually make sense. So watch these aspects as you create your content for lots of sites that you can submit your article content.

Long term success in writing articles can reap rewards. Staying consistent is the key to accomplishing this goal. Also a good routine to submit your articles to several directories help in this process. Be sure that you are subscribed to this online business blog, and you will see more tips on how to make this traffic strategy successful for you.

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Why Article Marketing Is Still Better Than Blog Commenting

For those of you who are tired of not getting the traffic you want or the links you need then you need to understand where you should be putting most of your effort in order to get the best return. Most people think the best thing to do is to post blog comments and although this method works you will have to post a lot of comments in order to equal the same results that you would get from one article submitted to an article directory. What most people don't know is that even though your article won't carry much weight by itself it will still carry some because of the high page rank of the directory.

Why article marketing is still better than blog commenting

Content - With search engines being so smart these days they understand that a blog comment does not count for as much because you won't post nearly as much in a blog post than you will in a well written article. The thing about content is it is still king and although many people try to deny it the more good content you have the better your site will be.

More weight - What most people don't understand about article marketing is that the title, the content, and even the link will help your link because it will give it more relevance to your site. For instance if you had a site about dog tags and you commented on a site about pet books the search engine would not consider that relevant simply because there may not be anything about dog tags on the site. Just remember that the small things count for a lot online.

The last reason why article marketing is better than blog commenting is simply because it takes more time, thought, and consideration unlike blog commenting. If getting highly credible backlinks was easy then everybody would be doing it, that is why search engines have made it where only the harder links are holding a lot of weight that way it isn't just up to the owner of the site to determine how popular and credible their site actually is. Just know that in order to get traffic to your website you first need backlinks and in order to earn cash online right from your site you will need traffic. It is a long process that you may or may not want to embark on but the fact of the matter is, everyone that has done this loves it and would not change what they do for the entire world.

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How To Choose A Subject For Your Article Or Blog

When you want to write quality articles and blogs you often need a really good title to engage with your reader, because the headline is the first thing they are going to see and is often one of the biggest catches that will make them want to read more.

Below, we take a look at some of our ideas when it comes to finding new subjects and titles for your latest articles or blogs.

Research - One of the best ways to get some titles for your blog and article needs is to check out what others have done previously and then take some ideas from this.

Although you should never copy someone's work, you can gain some inspiration from what they have written and put a different slant on it. For example, if someone has written ten reasons why you should use... you could always write about ten reasons why you shouldn't use.... so you can get some ideas from other peoples work.

Current Topics - Many of us pick our ideas and get our inspiration from things that are currently happening in our industry or related to our industry. For example, when the latest hacking scandal hits the news, why not write a blog or article about computer / server security or how to avoid your website from being hacked and the preventative measures you can take. Check out industry related blogs, general news sites and RSS feeds to really make sure you have your finger on the pulse and are ready to write away.

Knowledge - Most people tend to concentrate on one industry, area or niche when it comes to writing articles and blogs, rather than trying to cover a million and one subjects, so you should be able to draw on your own industry related experience. In your line of work, you will be doing things every single day that you can turn into articles, including practical ideas and tips that end up making great reading for your followers.

Suggestions - Many people overlook the fact that they are often surrounded by friends, family and colleagues who will all have ideas that you might not have thought about, so ask them! You can also ask your social media followers and clients what they want to see you write, which means you can open up your field of suggestions and really start to get some cracking ideas fed back to you.

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Article Advertising - Just a Few of the Advantages

The creation of articles along with the submission of those articles will be the method in which the web master is going to submit articles and reviews to the article directories that may then post them. This will generate for the web master a huge number of one way links pointing to his or her web page. Which allows people to get the site visitors that they need to have without having to pay substantial advertising dollars or trying to compete too seriously with all the tens of thousands of various other website owners online.

It is really an uncomplicated, affordable strategy to crank out traffic to your website. But still, just what are a couple of the benefits for using these kinds of content article publishing websites? What exactly would you like to obtain, from their website? To recognize exactly what options you possess when you use article content distribution, below are a few points that you can consider.

To begin with, take into consideration the point that you actually are going to obtain a boat load of free website traffic aimed at your website. As soon as you include your Internet site hyper link at the bottom of the particular article which you have created and understanding, that posting is usually passed all over from one location to the next, you're certain to reap the particular rewards with all the traffic which it will certainly accumulate. Merely relating to the first aspect, that initial site it is utilized on, can make for a significant level of business for your site.

Do you know of any superior, almost totally free approach to marketing your website? Most people do not have the enormous budget connected with those million dollar marketing firms. If you use article content submission in this way, you're certain to produce for yourself, quite a heap of free traffic. Unless of course you pay an individual to write the actual content articles for you, you have extremely tiny to virtually no expense at all when applying this type of targeted visitors creator.

For those who genuinely don't want to do the article creation for yourself, it is possible to easily find authors that will write for you. Even though you have got to pay them some type of fee, you are going to nevertheless be capable of exceptional results. It is usually as simple as choosing a copy writer, letting them know about your needs after which, begin submitting the particular articles to the various article publication sites. If you employ a service, you will end up having even less work to undertake yourself. Which makes your work simpler even while still receiving the same results.

Surprisingly, the value of using content article submission might be way more than just having the back links for your sites. In reality, it will be possible to be able to establish oneself as somewhat of a specialist concerning the subject. This allows you to acquire acknowledgment as being a fantastic source of facts about your Internet site. Why should that make a difference? If for little else, this enables you to create a basis concerning whom you are online.

All of these benefits are really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the main advantages of making use of article content submission. The important thing is usually that your particular Internet site, it doesn't matter how small or large, regardless of the kind of spending plan you actually may have a heap of traffic on it. Whenever site owners obtain your own article, along with your hyper link attached to it, and put it on their site for content usage, your website is the one that is going to be able to get the targeted website traffic.

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5 Creative Energy Generators

Creativity is the top ingredient in the article writing recipe. Are you feeling blocked rather than creative? Just putting words to paper does not equal writing an article. Capturing the reader's interest initially and then to get them to continue reading is your main goal.

For your message to get read you have to pique the interest of the reader by first getting their attention. But your creativity is long gone so how to get it back without pulling out your hair in frustration?

Is your mind still blank? There is no simple trick that will always work to break the log jam lose. No one can generate your creativity for you, but they can provide aids that may help. Here are five easy tips to consider.

1) Creativity often increases after a get-away or a crazy adventure. Adrenaline is produced when you are having fun and that can allow creativity to come forward. Go for a hike to a sacred place or go on an adventure. Maybe getting out of the rut that a schedule can create will feed your mind with a new burst of creativity. Remember our minds seek new ideas and experiences to explore.

Words and images are the media of your writing art. Use crisp, clear depictions to knead your article ingredients together. Elements like simile and metaphor can add flavor to your article recipe, but they don't come without creativity being present.

2) A dedicated space to writing will help generate creativity. Clutter and confusion are not conducive to the flow of creativity.

Bring to your working place objects that make you happy and relaxed. Beautiful art, scented candles, fresh flowers kept in your writing space can spark creativity. One way to reduce distractions is keep the space clean and organized. Losing track of time as you write is a good indication that creativity is flowing and the space is working for you.

3) Write in a journal or diary regularly. Jot down ideas that come from something you smell, see or hear. Let your idea-generator be fed by what you see, hear and smell. Use your journal to capture those ideas for future use. Idea development can be triggered from other peoples' ideas. Remember creative ideas can come from a myriad of sources; your unique spin is what is needed.

4) Relax and take time to sort things out. Mind clutter crowds out creativity, so clear your mind. Move the obstacles out of the way; both physical and mental. Staying focused is not possible if you are bothered by something else.

Being relaxed allows you to focus on the experience that your idea is generating. Mental confusion, constant mind chatter, and focusing on your block only cause the block to get stronger and keep your creativity at bay. Allow your experiences to feed your mind. Keep your mindset free and positive and then let your mind play with those experiences to form your unique opinions that can be reflected in your writings.

5) Finding out what makes ticks your emotional triggers could help you find ways to get your creative juices flowing. There are many ways to set the mood. Some writers use wine or alcohol to stir up their creativity. (Use caution that this doesn't become a dependency.) Some like soft mood music while others let the lighting of the environment create the mood. Keep the pace and tempo consistent with your flowing creativity.

Discover what inspires you and what annoys you. Use these emotions to help you in expressing yourself and your ideas, with this you can grow creatively. Let the mood of your internal space lead to new recipes for writing those new articles.

Use these 5 ideas to generate your own list of 5 or more block breakers and let that wonderful creativity that resides in you lose.

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Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles

What is the point of article submission? If you are wondering what the point is of the whole exercise, then let's take a look at the three main reasons as to why scores of marketers and web masters are submitting hundreds and hundreds of articles to sites like EzineArticles each week.

Article submission attracts traffic to your website

The main reason for article submission is to increase the number of human visitors to your website. All of the big article directories rank extremely well in search engines; hence they draw in massive amounts of traffic. By posting articles that make intelligent use of keywords onto article submission websites, you are ensuring that these articles can be found. People who stumble across your articles are certainly going to be interested in what you have to say, and they may well be tempted to click on the link to your site for further information.

You are also going to be helping lots of people when you submit articles to websites. So long as your articles provide some excellent tips or advice, people are going to actually appreciate your help. Article submission makes a real difference to people's lives.

Article submission builds your reputation

You can easily build your brand and build up your reputation through article submission. For each article you put out on a given subject, you are slowly building up your reputation. This serves to create the impression of being an expert, which only increases trust and makes people more likely to want to visit your site. Once you establish yourself as the authority on your subject, more and more people are going to hear about you, and eventually you will become the first port of call for anyone seeking advice in your industry niche.

Build links back to your site with the resource box

Article submission is a great way of boosting your site's SEO ranking. The back links you can add into your resource box on some of the top article submission directories are very high quality. The more links of this kind pointing to your website that you have, the more relevant search engines are going to think your site is. Get hundreds of links from article directories and you will see your site rise up through the rankings very quickly.

Just remember that you have to be careful when adding links, as many article websites are quite strict about how you place them. Do it wrong and you will find that your articles are just getting rejected. The best article directories have a rule that you can only place one or two links, and they must be in the author resource box at the end of the article. Therefore, be sure to read the author guidelines before submitting any articles.

Alternatively, there are many experts these days who make a living from writing quality articles and submitting them to multiple directories for their customers. If you want to ensure that your articles will not be rejected, and if you want to be certain that the content you are posting is both well researched and helpful to people, then hiring an expert author might be the best solution for your article submission.

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